Thursday, July 12, 2012

House Sitting ADVENTURE!


So this week I'm house sitting for my friend and watching his two cute dogs Chuck and Sydney!    

Figure 1 & 2. Sydney is the grey dog on the left and is a self professed drama QUEEN!  Chuck is on the right and is black, he is incorrigible and is also a queen but in a different way!

 Now this leads me to start an ADVENTURE! That's what you get when you ask me for a favor:) so my task tonight is to cook a meal just using the lame ass bachelor type food my friend has in his cabinet! So, let's see what we got to work with!

Materials and Methods:

Figure 3.This is a bachelor's fridge, easily identified by bulk quantities of foodstuffs and lack of vegatables.

1) Frozen cherries
2) Frozen skinnless boneless chicken breasts (or boobs)( like 20 I guess if they're frozen they won't go bad huh?)
3) Ground turkey
4) Popcorn kernels (who freezes popcorn kernels??)
5) Way too much yogurt (plain and Greek) for a normal human to have (I'm pretty sure he's bathing in it, otherwise he's a lactose-vampire, popular culture is telling me to lean more towards yogire)
6) Various shredded Cheeses
7) Acai Berry juice (oh Costco how I love thee)
8) Salsa
9) 3 jars almond butter (wow somebody likes almond butter!)
10) Quail eggs (WTF?! These look old, I'm surprised they haven't hatched yet!)
11) Avocados
12) Hummus
13) Garlic (This is somewhat surprising to find in a yogire's fridge, but perhaps they differ from more common vampire by having a fear of lactase or something.  Also, this garlic is old and growing sprouts, which is kinda lucky because they're my favorite part of garlic!)


1) Honey
2) Taco seasoning (Package big enough to feed a house of taco eating maniacs, aka tacopires)
3) A shit ton (yes that is the proper term I am a scientist!) of protein powder 

I think it's safe to assume my friend goes out to eat a lot! I think this calls for some ADVENTURE! 

So, here's what I did, cross your fingers!!

1) In a ziplock bag/foil papoose (couldn't find ziplock bags) combine: 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 tblspn taco seasoning, 1/2 cup salsa, and 1 Tblspn hummus. Add two chicken breasts and let marinate for 5 hr,. or until you get tired of waiting, make sure it marinates in the fridge, because I don't want you to get salmonella unless that's what you're going for then go crazy!

Figure 4.  This is what a chicken boob looks like when you smother is in things!  HOORAY!

Looks a little scary doesn't it!!

2) place chicken boobs in a buttered pan and cook over med-high heat 4-6 min on each side or until done (If you're like me then obsess about doneness of chicken and burn on one side!) .

4) Make rice according to package directions add chopped garlic shoots, and 1/4 cup shredded cheese.  Now chop your avocado to put on top when finished cooking, but when you take it out realize its moldy and be really sad you won't get to eat avocado today :_(

3) For dessert let's mix 1 cup Acai juice, 1/2 cup frozen cherries, 1 tsp honey, a dollop of Greek yogurt


Figure 5.  This is what it looks like when I cooked the things I made or didn't cook them depending on which dish you're talking about.  Let's just say I cooked the things needing cooking and didn't the things that didn't.

I know!  Pretty delicious looking right!!  NO WRONG!  Haha just kidding!  Well the chicken was delicious, although it would probably be even better if grilled!! The marinade made kind of a crust and using greek yogurt probably makes it totally good for you or something so A+ on that account! I would totally make that again.  The rice was OK, with the main problem of no vegetable due to aforementioned fungus episode. The dessert was pretty good, the yogurt kinda separated a little and tasted kinda like bubble tea, or like it had snot floating in it you choose the allusion that is funnier/more satisfying :) However it was actually a pretty fun texture!  Overall I give the meal: 3 out of 5 chicken boobs!  Stay tuned for more updates that may, or may not, come eventually!! :)

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